Thursday, July 14, 2005

Vacations are no longer boring. Now I'm getting the feeling that time is running out. I got my tickets a few days back. My route is a little roundabout.

It starts from Muscat on the 21st morning at 8 am, to Mumbai where I'll reach at 12pm. The next flight is 12 hrs later, at 2 am to the John F Kennedy Airport at New York via the Charles De Gaulle Airport at Paris. Interesting... all airports seem to be named after people... even the airports at Delhi and Mumbai (named after Indira Gandhi and Shivaji). Ill end up reaching at 12:30 pm on the 22nd.

Return route is also similar... from JFK airport to Mumbai via Paris. Ill reach Mumbai at 11:30 pm on the 30th. Then a morning flight to Delhi where I hope to reach at 8 am. then I get to sleep all day at a guesthouse till night when I depart for Kanpur on the Sharam Shakti Express. Ill reach Kanpur station at 6:30 am which gives me just enough time to sneak into my Mechanics of Solids class which is at 8 am in L2. Sigh. I was kinda hoping that I could at least go to my first day of lectures relaxed but no, its not meant to be I guess.

I've bought random stuff here and there including a 1GB memory card for my camera. Now all that is left is packing. Help!! Packing?? Not again!!

Once I reach New Jersey there is are plenty of phonecalls I need to make to people there.. starting from classmates at school to IITK alumni to my internship boss who apparently is near NJ.


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